Sunday, February 04, 2007

Learning to paint master piece(s)

Jessica : Hello Danny

Jessica : How nice to be called 'young lady'....I'm probably older than you

Danny : so how are you today

Jessica : Great....Just deep dusted my whole room.

Danny : well that by be so,,,,

Danny : but i'm not spring chicken anymore

Jessica : So much to learn. so much to sift through, so many decisions to make. I just decided to take a break and dust.......

Jessica : Now, back to 'what to do next', which info to read.

Danny : i understand,

Jessica : which DVD to watch.

Danny : yes forever learning

Jessica : I need direction, which step to take next, etc.

Danny : well that might be a good thing

Jessica : I know SO MUCH about options, and strategies, etc, just don't know when and where to apply it.

Junky: unfortunately it here for the rest of the chat transcript.

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